If you have been diagnosed with gum disease, Dr. Lindsay Eastman may recommend laser gum disease treatment in Bradenton, FL with LANAP® protocol as part of your treatment plan. This non-surgical treatment is very effective for killing bacteria causing the infection in your gums and can help to restore your oral health fairly rapidly. It is an FDA-cleared protocol for the treatment of periodontitis and is backed by many scientific research studies.

You may be a good candidate for LANAP® treatment if you have:

  • Moderate to severe periodontal disease
  • Not had good results with scaling and root planing
  • Explored other options and need a treatment that provides fast results
  • Been experiencing some tooth sensitivity or bleeding gums because of gum disease

Benefits of LANAP® Treatment

LANAP® treatment offers numerous benefits to the patient and just a single treatment is usually enough to restore your gums to a better state of health. Key benefits of laser gum disease treatment include:

  • Fast healing time
  • Less downtime than gum surgery
  • Minimal bleeding and inflammation
  • Saves healthy teeth and gums
  • Triggers bone regeneration
  • Safe and effective for all patients
  • No contraindications

Dr. Eastman incorporates the latest techniques in reconstructive periodontics, tissue engineering, dental implants placement and was among the first group of dentists in the U.S. trained in computer guided implant surgery.

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