Gum Recession: 3 Facts About Why Gum Tissue Recedes

a sign that says "periodontal disease" with some tools around it

Gum Recession is a very prominent issue for many dental patients and because it occurs slowly and gradually it is often not easy to detect. If you start to experience gum recession, it would be best if you reach out to your dental professional to seek treatment as soon as possible. Doing so would be very beneficial because gum recession is a major warning side that you may be developing gum disease.

Gum Disease

Gum disease usually occurs because of a lack of proper oral hygiene. If you are not engaging in good oral care, you are more likely to develop gum disease. Healthy oral hygiene would include brushing and flossing at least twice a day to avoid plaque buildup. This lowers your chance of having any bacteria buildup below the gumline, which can create inflammation.

Brushing Too Hard

Although it is important to brush your teeth twice a day regularly, it is also very important to avoid brushing too hard. When you brush too hard, your gum line will start to recede. You don’t need to brush aggressively to effectively remove food and bacteria from your teeth. Brushing your teeth roughly negatively impacts your oral health.

Flossing Too Aggressively

Similar to brushing too hard, flossing too hard can also inadvertently contribute to developing gum recession. When you floss too aggressively, you can accidentally cut into the gum tissue, which will then cause the gums to recede over time.

Contact Our Office

If you find that you are experiencing gum recession, it would be very important to reach out to our office for a full examination. Doing so will allow our doctor to examine you, determine if you are suffering from gum recession, and provide you with the needed treatment.


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