What Is Laser Dentistry?

If your gums frequently bleed or you have any other symptoms associated with diseased gum tissue, you may be wondering if you should receive laser treatments or traditional gum surgery. Laser dentistry may sound futuristic or even painful, but it is one of the least-invasive gum disease treatments you can receive. Here’s what you should know about the benefits of treating your inflamed gums with laser technology.

How Laser Gum Surgery Works

During laser gum surgery, Dr. Lindsay Eastman uses the LANAP® protocol to gently clear away all traces of infected gum tissue. Rather than relying on eyesight alone, Dr. Eastman allows the highly advanced laser to locate and remove tissue that’s laden with bacteria. In addition to minimizing damage to healthy tissue, the laser Dr. Eastman uses also helps seal off recently treated areas so no stitches are necessary.  

Signs You Need Treatment

You may want to schedule a consultation for laser gum surgery if you notice any of the following symptoms:

• Inexplicably loose teeth

• Sores in your mouth (particularly around your gums)

• Visible pockets where the gum tissue is pulling away from the teeth

• Gum tissue that bleeds easily after flossing

• Swollen, discolored gums that are sensitive to touch

• Persistent problems with bad breath

The longer you allow symptoms such as these to develop without treatment, the harder it will be to control and manage them going forward. Those who have the best laser dentistry outcomes are typically those who seek treatment upon first noticing symptoms of a problem. However, it is never too late to improve your oral health with the assistance of innovative technology such as the LANAP® protocol.

Contact Our Practice

Leaving gum disease to progress unhampered can diminish your quality of life and require increasingly invasive treatments. To bring the condition under control today and reclaim your oral health, contact Dr. Eastman’s leading practices in Lakewood Ranch or Bradenton.


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