Patients with moderate or advanced periodontal disease may need to undergo flap surgery, or osseous surgery, to restore their gum health. This type of gum surgery may be necessary if scaling and root planing has proven to be unsuccessful in treating the infection. It is typically performed under local anesthesia and can help to eliminate the infection in the mouth.

Osseous surgery, or flap surgery, involves lifting away gum tissue to clean the teeth of any plaque and tartar buildup. Any rough surfaces of the bone are smoothed out and Dr. Lindsay Eastman or Dr. Christie may also need to perform a bone graft to restore any defects or areas of the bone that need to be filled out. The tooth is cleaned and smoothed before we reposition the gum tissue and suture everything in place.

Undergoing Gum Surgery

Our doctors will provide more details about your procedure before your appointment and you will be advised on how to take care of your gums and teeth during the recovery phase. We may place stitches that can be taken out in about six to ten days, or are dissolved naturally. We will need to see you about a month after your surgery to assess the healing process and determine if you need to undergo any type of gum contouring procedure to restore your smile.

Dr. Eastman incorporates the latest techniques in reconstructive periodontics, tissue engineering, dental implants placement and was among the first group of dentists in the U.S. trained in computer guided implant surgery.

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Need to Discuss Your Oral Health Options with Dr. Eastman?

Learn more about the benefits of gum surgery techniques, like osseous surgery. Contact our staff and we'll be sure to follow up with you within 24 hours.

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